Tag Archives: shalom

Happiness now!

Shalom, y’all,
Scheduled my tweets (@lindaleeoils) for the rest of the day and tomorrow, for multiple reasons. One, I am making a conscious decision not to let social media “rule my life”. Reason number two: tomorrow is packed to the top and I will not have the time to post until after 7 p.m.
No, I don’t think the world will stop if I don’t tweet or post a blog, but I am trying to make a new habit.
I have been told that “I can not ‘make it big” in network marketing without a presence on social media”. So, here I am.
I have also consciously decided that my life isn’t going to be all about Young Living Essential Oils although I really love the oils and my oils business.
I will only blog about the oils every two weeks or so. If you want more than that my other blog (yes I mean I have two blogs) at abundanceofjoyessentialoils.com is ALL about oils Because it is my Young Living website.
Most of the tweets I scheduled today were about happiness.
I love being happy.
I smile in Wal Mart…Often I am the only one in Wal Mart smiling. I am not kidding. People looked surprised when my smile is directed at them. Sometimes I perceive that my smile bothers them… I smile anyway.
I once heard of a study that determined when you smile at someone you add three months to their lives. I immediately thought there is just no way to quantify that. But what if it just adds one day, one hour, one minute? I know it is a big thought, but who knows?
I have learned something about happiness and joy:
I want them both and sometimes they both come with pretty high price tags.
I won’t let circumstances, no matter the duration decide anything for me.
Happiness is a choice.
Joy is deeper. It wells up and bubbles out when I least expect it now.
This certainly does NOT mean that I don’t get frustrated or mad as heck sometimes, but I get back on the road to joy a lot more quickly.
Thank you for reading this post.
What are some ways, you have chosen to be happy-in the midst of the mess?
If you are not happy now, why not take your happiness back and keep it for a bit longer this time. This is a habit worth every second you put into it!

Linda Lee

Got Shalom?

b7486-dscf9885 Shalom y’all,
I know I had a post like the one I am about to write, but I couldn’t find it in a timely manner.
Why do I begin and end each post with Shalom?
Shalom is a Hebrew word (I am not Jewish and I do not speak Hebrew). It is so rich in its meaning: nothing broken, nothing missing, contentment, wholeness, harmony, completeness, health, peace, safety, soundness, tranquility, prosperity, perfectness, fulness and rest, free from agitation or discord.
This is what I say to you as I am writing the words.
In the midst of the mess (sometimes our circumstances are really bad) you can have this Shalom.
Jesus Christ offers you and freely gives you Shalom. No strings attached.
Well, let me be truthful it comes with His unfailing love too.
He can take your challenging life and give you peace in return. Again your situation may not change but you can have JOY anyway.
This has been my experience as I walk with him and listen for His voice.
The Message Bible puts it like this: “Are you tired? Worn Out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you will recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me-watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill fitting on you. keep company with me and you will learn to live freely and lightly”.
Those are the words of Jesus from Matthew 11:2728-30.
This is the best offer you will EVER get: Trade your problems for HIS shalom.
How about today? What challenges do you need to trade today? What will you do to encourage someone today?
Please share your thoughts with us. Leave your comments at the end of this post. Thank you.
Again, I close with,

Linda Lee